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Here is where we speak for our beloved MPA

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Voice Miri Piri Project

Along with the recent revelation of YB's scandals, stories that talk about the traumatic experiences in Miri Piri Academy have come out. There have been wishes for the school to be shut down.

Acknowledging the pain it has caused some, we would still like to share the positive side of Miri Piri Academy and the life changing things it has brought into our lives. Tales from MPA students who would like to see the school open and thriving. Another side of the story.... 

 Our Mission

We would like to share our own experiences at MPA

As a result of Yogi Bhajan's personal scandals, many people reacted to it by accusing Miri Piri Academy(a boarding school he founded) as a cult training faculty that follows the teachings of kundalini yoga taught by Yogi Bhajan. Lots of previous students shared their unpleasant stories/experiences and how much they dislike their time in MPA....

Our Voice

"MPA taught me how powerful compassion and forgiveness can be."

--Chanandev Kaur(Mexico)

"MPA taught me to accept differences with an open mind."

--Paramjot Kaur(China)

"MPA changed me from a person full of negative energy to a woman that's bright, strong and steel."

--Atma Mandeep Kaur(Taiwan)

"MPA taught me how to love myself, how to accept other people's love and gave me a second family, a second home."

"We want to let people understand how great MPA is now "

Voices of MPA
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