A message from Her(Siri Amrit, Germany)


First of all, I'm very sorry how the older generation of MPA did not have such a great experience as the new generation, but it has changed to the better.

My 2 years at MPA made me who I am now, and I'm glad I went to India to get this much knowledge and love from the staff and students. I am happy I went there, I could learn so much about life and myself. MPA is my second home and family.

It's really heartbreaking to hear all these stories and that the school might close, but I just want to say to the next students who visit MPA, it's worth it and you will get so much of it, long-lasting friendship, self love, self control and so much more.

So please. don't close the school, because it breaks many people's heart when hearing things like this.

Thank you for reading.

Voices of MPA
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