Her Story. (Siri Amrit, Germany)


Hello my name is Siri Amrit, from Germany and I am 19 years old.

I want to share my experience at Miri Piri Academy, I went to MPA from 2018 to 2020 two years and graduated. 

My first year I was a bit uncomfortable because I almost didn't really know anyone, but after some weeks I finally got comfortable with a lot of people. I am grateful that I could go to MPA, I learned so much from these two years. I learned how to control myself with Yoga and meditation, which we practice everyday.

And group activities such as sports, kabaddi, martial arts, which I miss so much. Some of the best things that have happened to me was that I could get to know myself and my friends that I have now, and that you are never alone. The staff's are always there for help and questions and I was always welcomed, so as others.

I am very grateful and thankful for everyone who helped me to get to this point where I am now. Thank you!

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