A complete change in my life.(Sebastian,Mexico)


Hello, my name is Sebastian. I went to MPA from 2017 to 2019. 

Before MPA I was in a rough place: I had just gotten kicked out of the school and I was struggling with anxiety, depression and anger management issues, as well as abuse of alcohol and I was heavily addicted to nicotine. My parents sent me to MPA in the hopes of keeping me from throwing my life away.

When I got there I was really unsure of what would happen, but the students and staff made me feel welcome from the second I stepped off the bus. During my time at MPA, I learned a lot about myself and more importantly, I learned how to survive in the world and how to be independent. MPA gave me the tools to become truly happy, as cliche as that might sound.

I'm not gonna lie... it was not easy.

MPA is not a comfortable place at all times, but its discomfort us exactly what made me learn about myself, and has helped me understand that I was strong and worth something in life, despite of what I kept telling myself.

MPA saved me and made me the human being I am today.

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